Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Happy Howlidays to All of You!


We wish you a wonderful holiday season and all the best for the New Year! 

Here's a little something from Best Friends that we wanted to share with you!

We hope to catch up with all of you after the holidays and see what you've been up to!


The Road Dogs

Monday, December 6, 2010

'Tis The Season . . .

. . . for everyone to be busy and for Mom to hog the computer!  We're still here in SC freezing our crayons off, BTW!  That's right - it's not boiling HOT anymore, it's COLD!

But Mom and Dad have been so busy, we can't get any quality computer time.  We spent the whole week of Thanksgiving out in the boonies in our food hauler.  It was fun and there were a couple of unexpected adventures that we'll share in another post, BUT we're gonna give you a traveling tip here -- internet connection can be downright lousy on the road, unreliable and sporadic, too - even if you have one of those wireless thingamagiggies! 

Anyway, we've missed posting AND reading YOUR posts.  So, until we can gain total control of the computer again, we're gonna give you a little treat -- our shopping picks for the day.  These picks would make GREAT stocking stuffers for the pup who has everything!

WARNING - the second "pick" might gross some humans out although it's not what it appears to be.  AND some of your humans might not want to look at it while eating.  We're just saying.

SO - here are our picks for stocking stuffers:

NOW, you can even accessorize your bum with BUTT COVERS from Rear Gear

However, we would prefer to find these under our tree, or out in the yard, or . . . .

That's RIGHT!  DOODY POPS!!!  PeeS - Check 'em out!
They're not REAL doody :)

Well, that's it for today's gift ideas.  Hope everyone is having a wonderful holiday season and that we just made your gift buying a little easier.


The Road Dogs