We're coming out of our semi-hibernation (finally!) to co-host MY PEEP IS A FLAKE with our good furiends FRANKIE (and his PUPPY ERNIE) and SARGE! It goes without saying that OUR PEEPS are TOTAL FLAKES, especially MOM (um, sorry Mom, but it's a fact!). BUT we can't wait to read about YOUR PEEPS! We're hoping they're at LEAST as FLAKY as OURS! BOL!
The fun starts tomorrow and lasts ALL WEEK! We know you're as excited as we are to SHARE with ALL OF BLOGVILLE just how FLAKY your PEEPS are!
And, now, one more SNOWMAN just for FRANKIE! Foster dog Lucy REDESIGNED a snowman that was sitting by the TV just minding his own business when all of a sudden . . . CHOMP!!!
The whole time Lucy was chomping away on the SNOWMAN, we heard her mumbling - "This is for Frankie, take that Mr. Snowman, bwahahahahahahaha . . .
Happy New Year!
from The Road Dogs
Saturday, December 31, 2011
Saturday, December 24, 2011
Happy Holidays!
Happy Holidays to all of you ~
This is what happens in places that don't have real snow!
Hope you all get lots of yummy treats in your stockings!
The Road Dogs
Monday, December 12, 2011
Calendar Giveaway
Hey! Remember us? The Road Dogs - slacker bloggers?! We're popping in to tell you about a giveaway from our friends at Dog Tipper. If you've been wanting a copy of our Pit Bull Frogs Calendar but were hoping for a giveaway - well this is your lucky day! One lucky winner will receive their very own *F*R*E*E* copy of the 2012 calendar to drool over! Hop on over to Dog Tipper and find out how to enter this fab giveaway before Wednesday, December 21. Already ordered your copy? That's okay, you can WIN another to give away to a furiend! And don't forget to tell all your furiends to enter, too!
Here's a little sneak preview of a portion the January calendar page! You should see the WHOLE page!
Here's a little sneak preview of a portion the January calendar page! You should see the WHOLE page!
Calendar Design by Danielle Greisen
And while you're over at Dog Tipper, check out all their other awesome giveaways! We'll bet you find something for efurrybody on your gift list! Thanks Dog Tipper!!!
We may be slack about blogging and commenting this month, but we LOVE all of you and we'll be back soon. After the holidays, we'll be co-hosting a super cool and fun event -- MY PEEP IS A FLAKEwith Frankie and Sarge from January 1 - 7. Click on the link to My Peep is a Flake to find out all the fun details!!!
The Road Dogs
Friday, December 2, 2011
We've been MIA in Blogville a lot lately and we've been missing efurrybody so much! But we're gonna show you ONE of the things that's been keeping us busy lately.
A SNEAK PREVIEW of one page of the Pit Bull Frogs 2012 Calendar! How many of your Blogville furiends can you find???
You can find out more about the calendar and how to get your very own copy to drool over at www.PitBullFrogs.com!
Happy Holidays efurryone!
The Road Dogs
A SNEAK PREVIEW of one page of the Pit Bull Frogs 2012 Calendar! How many of your Blogville furiends can you find???
Calendar Design by Danielle Greisen
You can find out more about the calendar and how to get your very own copy to drool over at www.PitBullFrogs.com!
Happy Holidays efurryone!
The Road Dogs
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
You're not going to believe the awesome pressie Kayla got from BERT for winning his HAT CONTEST! We could hardly believe it ourselves! Before we show it to you, though, Kayla wants to say how very honored she is to have won and wants to thank everyone that voted for her. There were SO MANY wonderful hat pics that she is still kind of speechless that hers was picked and Kayla's not often speechless! So MANY THANKS!!!
First, there was this awesome Christmas card - isn't that just bee-yoo-ti-ful? A present in itself, we think!
It's obvious BERT'S Prize Package was a HOOOOOOGE hit at our house! You know, we don't think our own pawrents have ever gotten us that many cool toys! We can't thank BERT (and VICKIE) enough for this amazingly awesome prize package! You guys are way too generous!!! THANK YOU BERT!!!
We're gonna have to apologize yet again for our lack of visiting Blogville. We are missing efurryone so much! But Mom desperately needs our help with her projects and we're going as fast as our paws can! Besides the Pit Bull Frogs Calendar (ON SALE NOW!), Mom is hammering and sawing away in her studio like one of Santa's little elves making Christmas pressies that peeps have ordered from her jewelry shop. So we can't let her get behind with that! We don't want anybody's stocking to be empty this year, right?!
But, stay tuned in the next day or two for a super special SNEAK PREVIEW of a page from the Pit Bull Frogs Calendar featuring some of our Blogville furiends that you know and love!
Gotta go pour some caffeine in Mom so she can get to work and hope she remembers to give us breakfast!!!
The Road Dogs
First, there was this awesome Christmas card - isn't that just bee-yoo-ti-ful? A present in itself, we think!
On to the excitement!!!
Kayla gives it the sniff test. "Hey, that's ME on the box!"
Kayla just wants to point out Bert's EXCELLENT use of DUCK TAPE!
O-M-D!!! Look at ALL these TOYS!!!
So MANY to choose from!
She finally chooses a favorite "baby" to snuggle with
Here's a pic of the back of the box describing all the toys! See that treasure chest in the middle? We AGREE - this pressie was just like opening a TREASURE CHEST!
Kayla "hoarding" the babies
She finally decides to share and Cooper picks a racoon rope toy to chew on. He has a thing for string! Don't even ask!
And now - GUESS WHO ELSE Kayla's sharing her toys with???
Do you recognize her??? This is Phantom (we call her Lucy). We featured her as one of the adoptable dogs during Mayzie's Rescue Me Home Week! She has been hanging out at our vet's office while being treated for heartworms. She's all well now and boy, is she raring to go!!! She LOVES to play and gets along great with everybody. Cooper has even taught her to swim! Now, don't go getting any ideas - we're just giving her a reprieve from kennel at the vet's office until she finds her FUREVER home. Everyone that meets her falls in love - she has a wonderful temperament and personality. So, if you know someone who would love to give this cutie pie a home and family, let us know. She loves to SNUGGLE, too!
It's obvious BERT'S Prize Package was a HOOOOOOGE hit at our house! You know, we don't think our own pawrents have ever gotten us that many cool toys! We can't thank BERT (and VICKIE) enough for this amazingly awesome prize package! You guys are way too generous!!! THANK YOU BERT!!!
We're gonna have to apologize yet again for our lack of visiting Blogville. We are missing efurryone so much! But Mom desperately needs our help with her projects and we're going as fast as our paws can! Besides the Pit Bull Frogs Calendar (ON SALE NOW!), Mom is hammering and sawing away in her studio like one of Santa's little elves making Christmas pressies that peeps have ordered from her jewelry shop. So we can't let her get behind with that! We don't want anybody's stocking to be empty this year, right?!
But, stay tuned in the next day or two for a super special SNEAK PREVIEW of a page from the Pit Bull Frogs Calendar featuring some of our Blogville furiends that you know and love!
Gotta go pour some caffeine in Mom so she can get to work and hope she remembers to give us breakfast!!!
The Road Dogs
Friday, November 25, 2011
Okay, one more bird for Sarge.
Play some SKYNYRD
We hope all of you had a wonderful THANKSGIVING! We're so sorry we haven't been around to say "HI" lately, but things are heating up with some projects we've got going on and there's only so many hours in the day to WORK after PLAYING and EATING and SLEEPING. You know what we're saying??? We sure miss reading about all of you lately and hope to get around to see you soon! Hope you're having FUN!The Road Dogs
Friday, November 18, 2011
SARGE - You Asked for It!
Okay, Sarge, you asked for it! We're giving you the BIRD(S)!
Those stump grinders we subcontracted that never finished the job!
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Mayzie is the one that first introduced us to Stubby Dog and the wonderful work they do. So, when they asked Mom if she would be interested in donating a piece of her work for their Art Auction, she jumped at the chance. After all, Stubby Dog had Mayzie's Paw of Approval. Did you know that Mayzie was one of the first Stubby Dogs?! So, we're pretty excited to tell you about this amazing auction featuring DOG ART! You know, the gift giving season is just around the corner (YIKES!) and Stubby Dog has lots of gift options for your dog-loving furiends. If you've been looking for an artist to paint the perfect portrait of you, or one of your furiends, check out this auction. Many artists have donated custom pet portraits and photography sessions.
Acrylic Pet Portrait by Ashley Reid
You'll see lots of Pit Bulls featured because Stubby Dog's focus is on being a positive force for Pitties, but you don't have to be a Pittie to take advantage of the portraits or photography sessions or any of the amazing art for sale. Just sayin'.
There are lots of other cool items up for bid, too! You'll find a gift certificate from Karma Collars and they'll even help you design your own custom collar!
Here's one of the pieces Mom created for the auction. That's the Stubby Dog logo :)
The bidding has started and continues through December 5. So you still have plenty of time to fetch a great deal!
And speaking of Pitties, we'll be taking a little blogging break so we can help Mom finish up the Pit Bull Frogs calendar soon-to-be-published. You know, she just can't do two things at once :) We'll be giving Sarge the "Bird" but will probably be kinda scarce from the blogging scene for a week or so. We'll try to catch up on all the fun as soon as we can! And if we don't get by before Thanksgiving - we wish you all a very HAPPY one!
The Road Dogs
Acrylic Pet Portrait by Ashley Reid
There are lots of other cool items up for bid, too! You'll find a gift certificate from Karma Collars and they'll even help you design your own custom collar!

The bidding has started and continues through December 5. So you still have plenty of time to fetch a great deal!
And speaking of Pitties, we'll be taking a little blogging break so we can help Mom finish up the Pit Bull Frogs calendar soon-to-be-published. You know, she just can't do two things at once :) We'll be giving Sarge the "Bird" but will probably be kinda scarce from the blogging scene for a week or so. We'll try to catch up on all the fun as soon as we can! And if we don't get by before Thanksgiving - we wish you all a very HAPPY one!
The Road Dogs
Monday, November 14, 2011
We had a BLAST during the DUCK TAPE FESTIVAL and hope you did, too! There were so many cool and super creative entries in both ARTSY FARTSY DUCK TAPE and DUCK TAPE IN ACTION. We knew we would NEVER be able to pick the best because they were ALL the BEST! So we left it to chance or fate or . . . ASPEN! Yep, we decided to let Aspen combine her FAVORITE things - SWIMMING and TENNIS BALLS - to pick a WINNER for the ARTsy FARTsy division. We took FRANKIE'S idea and tweaked it a little bit.
First, we wrote numbers on SEVEN tennis balls - one for each entry in order of appearance. (Please, um, excuse the appearance of some of these tennis balls - we're kinda ROUGH on tennis balls!)
Okay, are you still with us? This is a very technical and complicated process so try to keep up!
Next, we threw all the balls in our swimming pond.
Congrats to SUGAR! And THANKS to everyone who pawticipated in the DUCK TAPE FESTIVAL and to MAYOR FRANKIE for hosting it with us! We had so much fun 'cause of all of YOU! We're going to keep the prizes a secret 'cause we don't want to spoil the surprise for the winners! Hope that's okay Mayor Frankie 'cause, um, we think we were supposed to TELL what the prizes are. But don't worry - we will tell after the winners get them!
Now, head on over to FRANKIE'S, if you haven't already, to find out who his PUPPY, ERNIE, chose as the winner of the DUCK TAPE IN ACTION DIVISION.
The Road Dogs
First, we wrote numbers on SEVEN tennis balls - one for each entry in order of appearance. (Please, um, excuse the appearance of some of these tennis balls - we're kinda ROUGH on tennis balls!)
(he said he was just entering for fun, but we figured he deserved a chance at a GREAT PRIZE, too:)
Okay, are you still with us? This is a very technical and complicated process so try to keep up!
Next, we threw all the balls in our swimming pond.
Count 'em - SEVEN tennis balls
Okay, now here's where it gets exciting!
We let ASPEN swim out to fetch a WINNER!
Here she comes to deliver the winning number!
Dun-ta-dum . . .
And the WINNER is . . .
Okay, now go back up to the top and check the NUMBER KEY - NUMBER 5 is . . .
Congrats to SUGAR! And THANKS to everyone who pawticipated in the DUCK TAPE FESTIVAL and to MAYOR FRANKIE for hosting it with us! We had so much fun 'cause of all of YOU! We're going to keep the prizes a secret 'cause we don't want to spoil the surprise for the winners! Hope that's okay Mayor Frankie 'cause, um, we think we were supposed to TELL what the prizes are. But don't worry - we will tell after the winners get them!
The Road Dogs
Saturday, November 12, 2011
MAYZIE'S RESCUE ME HOME WEEK is technically over, but we wanted to do a recap of the adorable adoptables that we posted this week ~ just in case their furever family might not have seen them during all the DUCK TAPE FESTIVITIES. Plus, we want to thank Mayzie for this super terrific event that highlighted so many animals that need furever homes. We know her Grandpa J would be so happy and proud of her! And we're SO EXCITED for STELLA who was featured EVERY DAY last week over at Roo's. ROO'S genius plan and dedication worked and Stella got adopted Thursday! How cool is THAT?! We sure hope more animals find their furever homes real soon!
So here's the rundown of the pups we featured ~ could you be their new furever home?
She is a chocolate brown and tan dachshund mix, 6 years old, and a tiny 10 lbs. Go HERE to read lots more about Katie and see more adorable pics at Katie's Forever Dachshund Rescue page!

This is Toby. He is being fostered through Save
A Dog. He's a rat terrier/Jack Russell mix (approx. 1 yr old). Loves kids (ages 10+ would be best). Not keen on cats. Toby's foster mom says: He is smart, playful and very affectionate. He is great
in his crate, on a leash and doesn’t bark in the house. He settles down
beautifully and loves bully sticks, peanut butter kongs and his daily walks in
the woods. I think he would really like to play with another small dog. He loves
to chase toys in the back yard and will try to run with stuffed animals almost
as big as he is, very amusing. When he gets excited he puts his ears back and
crouches down and then springs up and runs in circles. He really wants to bond
with his people.
You may recognize these adorable pups from their
foster mom's blog - go to Peaceful Dog to read lots more about them!
Fozzie the Frog - what a ham, um,
Beautiful Sandy doin' the Frog
This totally handsome dude is COOPER and he's adoptable through New Leash on Life in Chicago - which is Miss M's (Two Pitties in the City) alma mater! he's about 1 year old, 35 pounds (but needs to gain about 5-10 pounds). We're not quite sure what breed mix he is - he has characteristics of many! Go to Cooper's NLOL page to learn more about this handsome boy.

Phantom is hanging out (for now) right down the street from us at our wonderful vet's, Dr. Ruth (Sun Dog Cat Moon). She's an English Setter approx. 2 years old and has been spayed. Phantom had heartworms and our super fantastic vet has treated her and she's going on one month clear of the nasty heartworms!

Phantom taking over Dr. Ruth's chair!
We hope you ALL find your furever homes real soon! Good luck!
The Road Dogs
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